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音频抓轨软件Audio Copy 1.0 beta 3更新

2011-09-23 11:21

  EAC是一款深受Hi-fi级玩家推崇和喜爱的音频抓轨软件,它被普遍认为是目前最好且唯一能够实现无损音质的工具。作者是德国多特蒙德大学学生Andre Wiethoff,他在 EAC 中使用了很多有助于提高抓取质量的控制技术,譬如C2级校错、间隙检测、精确流控制、音频缓冲、音轨同步、采样偏移等等特性来改善抓取质量。


  September 22, 2011

  The released beta 3 of EAC is probably the first really stable 1.0 version, as many more bugs are fixed. For an exact list, please read the News.rtf file, which is stored in the EAC directory by the installer (and which can be Accessed via the start menu)

  This version includes the CTDB plugin written by Gregory Chudov. It will not be installed by default, you need to check the plugin option in the installer. If everything works as expected, the next version of EAC will come with the CTDB plugin installed by default. So try it out now!

  下载:Exact Audio Copy 1.0 beta 3
