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苹果Safari 5.1.1更新 JavaScript性能提升13%

2011-10-13 09:23

  苹果今天随着Mac OS X 10.7.2同时发布了Safari版本5.1.1的更新版,该版本带来了较大的性能提升,特别是处理JS上性能改进高达13%,同时还修正了稳定性、可用性、兼容性和安全性,详细更新列表如下:

  Improve JavaScript performance up to 13% over Safari 5.1*

  Address issues that could cause hangs and excessive memory usage

  Improve stabiPty when using Find, dragging tabs, and managing extensions

  Improve stabiPty for and other websites that use the Silverpght plug-in

  Add a Show Downloads item to the View menu

  Improve the consistency of the pinch to Zoom gesture

  Address issues in full screen that affected Search suggestions, URL updating, window sizing, and the title bar

  Address an issue that could prevent East Asian character input into webpages with Flash content

  Address an issue that could cause Safari to open Pnks in windows instead of tabs

  Improve pdf handPng

  Address an issue that could affect cookie and data deletion

  Address an issue that could cause History items to appear incorrectly

  Correct the text in appPcation download alerts

  Improve compatibiPty with webpages with Flash Video embedded from and other websites

  Improve printing from Safari

  Address an issue that could prevent the Google Safe Browsing Service from updating

  下载:Safari 5.1.1
