今天一大早 Mowd 收到了由 ZumoDrive 寄来的一封信,内容提到 ZumoDrive 的开发团队将会并入到 Motorola 的 MotoCast 服务下继续进行开发,并且将于今年的六月一日正式关闭所有服务,届时所有用户的数据也将会被删除。
ZumoDrive 是一间云端储存服务提供商,母公司 Zecter 在 2010 年底被 Motorola 收购。
ZUmoDrive 跟 Dropbox 一样为注册使用者免费提供 2GB 的使用空间,差别在于 ZumoDrive 仅提供储存服务,不提供文件同步功能。
在现今这个云端储存百家争鸣的时代,仅提供 2GB 的空间就让 ZumoDrive 失去了竞争力。空间上无法跟 Box 的 50GB、SkyDrive 的 25GB、Sugarsync 的 5GB 甚至是未来 Google Drive 的 5GB 相比。
仅提供云端储存而没有任何特色的服务也让 ZumoDrive 埋下了关闭的种子。
Important ZumoDrive service announcement - action required
This is an important ZumoDrive service announcement. You are receiving this Email because you have an active ZumoDrive account.
Motorola is excited to announce that we’ll be moving over to MotoCast to continue delivering innovative, cost effective solutions for Accessing, sharing, and consuming your digital content. MotoCast provide Seamless, instant access to all your computer's content from your smartphone, tablet or even another computer safely and securely. Stream your own music, Videos, photos and files without the burden and cost of uploading to a public cloud. For more information or to download the free MotoCast application please visit .
As part of this transition to MotoCast, Motorola will be shutting down ZumoDrive. After June 1, 2012, ZumoDrive users will no longer be able to use the service. Any content remaining in your ZumoDrive account beyond June 1, 2012 will be securely deleted along with all account records.
If you want to retrieve your data stored on ZumoDrive, we strongly recommend you take action as soon as possible to download it. We have made it easy for you. All you have to do is:
Get the ZumoDrive downloader tool from here:
- windows downloader: - Mac downloader: zip Log in with your ZumoDrive account within the ZumoDrive downloader
Choose a location on your hard drive to save all of your ZumoDrive files
Make sure that you have enough space on your hard drive for everything in your ZumoDrive account.
For more information, see our support article at and see answers to frequently-asked questions at
Note: Users of HP Cloud Drive, HP Web Service Store Bundle Customers, Cruz Sync and Toshiba App Place Bundle subscribers are unaffected by this shutdown and can continue to use their ZumoDrive powered service. ZumoCast service is also unaffected by this shutdown.
We thank you for your support and use of ZumoDrive. We look forward to sharing the new MotoCast experience with you!
The ZumoDrive Team