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Windows 8 M3 Build 7955 更多安装截图泄露

2011-05-10 09:32

  windows 8 M3 Build 7955版本的泄露范围似乎已经越来越大,许多网站都已经开始贴出这个版本的截图本次提供截图的是来自MyDigitalLife论坛的成员,他获得的版本相比第一次泄漏的7955版多出了"sources"文件夹,因此完整的安装界面得以呈现:

Windows 8 M3 Build 7955 更多安装截图泄露

Windows 8 M3 Build 7955 更多安装截图泄露

Windows 8 M3 Build 7955 更多安装截图泄露

Windows 8 M3 Build 7955 更多安装截图泄露

Windows 8 M3 Build 7955 更多安装截图泄露

Windows 8 M3 Build 7955 更多安装截图泄露

Microsoft Windows 8 (''Windows 8'' 6.2.7955.0) (UlTIMate) (m2) (alt)

ISO Size: 2.62GB (2.821.873.664 bytes)

ISO md5: E5A1A4A431C25A1D8B2428066487FC45

You can unlock the following:

- Ribbon UI

- Application Folder

- Full DWM (no blur)

The following requires the red pill, bluepill, bluepoison, or whatever you want:

- Webcam

- Lock Screen

- TaskUI

- pdf Reader

- Immersive Browser#p#副标题#e#
