VirtualBox最早是德国一家软件公司InnoTek所开发的虚拟系统软件,后来被Sun收购,改名为Sun VirtualBox,性能有很大的提高.因为他是开源的,不同于VM,而且功能强大,可以在 Linux/Mac 和 Windows 主机中运行, 并支持在其中安装 Windows (NT 4.0、2000、XP、Server 2003、Vista)、DOS/Windows 3.x、Linux (2.4 和 2.6)、OpenBSD 等系列的客户操作系统.假如你曾经有用过虚拟机软件的经历的话,相信使用 VirtualBox 不在话下。即便你是一个新手,也没有关系。VirtualBox 提供了详细的文档,可以助你在短期内入门。
VirtualBox 3.1.8 (released 2010-05-10)
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
- VMM: fixed crash with the OpenSUSE 11.3 milestone kernel during early boot (software virtualization only; bug #5457)
- VMM: fixed invalid state during teleportation
- VMM: fixed OS/2 guest crash with nested paging enabled
- VMM: fixed massive display performance loss (AMD-V with nested paging only)
- GUI: fixed off-by-one bug when passing absolute mouse coordinates to the guest (3.1.6 regression)
- GUI: show the real version of the Guest Additions, not the interface version
- GUI: when adding a DVD or floppy slot in the VM mass storage settings dialog, don't attach a random medium but just leave the slot empty
- GUI: added --seamless and --fullscreen command line switches (bug #4220)
- GUI: fixed a SEGFAULT under rare circumstances
- 2D Video acceleration: fixed display issues when working with non 32-bit modes (bugs #6094 & #6208)
- LsiLogic: Fixed detection of hard disks attached to port 0 when using the drivers from LSI
- ATA: Fixed sporadic crash with Linux guests when having a hard disk and DVD drive on the same channel (bug
- Network: allow to start a VM even if not all network adapters are attached
- Network: promiscuous mode support for e1000 and simparavirtualized adapters (bug #6519)
- NAT: fixed ICMP latency (non-Windows hosts only; bug #6427)
- SCSI: fixed guest crashes under certain circumstances when booting from SCSI devices
- VBoxManage: fixed modifyvm --natnet default
- Solaris Hosts: fixed a kernel panic when bridged networking might fail to initialize
- Solaris Hosts: fixed priority tagged VLAN packets in bridged networking
- Shared folders: fixed issue with copying read-only files (Linux guests only; bug #4890)
- Shared folders: renamed the guest kernel module from vboxvfs to vboxsf to make it load on demand by the Linux kernel. Fixes mounting from /etc/fstab in Ubuntu 10.04
- Shared folders: fixed setuid file permissions (Solaris guests only).
- Shared folders: fixed deleting directories recursively (Solaris guests only; bug #6513)
- Guest Additions: support seamless and dynamic resizing on certain older X11 guests (bug #5840)
- Solaris Additions: fixed OpenGL library dependencies (bug #6435)
- Keyboard/Mouse emulation: fixed handling of simultaneous mouse/keyboard events under certain circumstances (bug #5375)
- Mouse emulation: never switch straight back from Explorer to IntelliMouse mode as it confuses the FreeBSD mouse driver (bug
- SDK: fixed memory leak in IDisplay::takeScreenShotSlow() (bug #6549)
- 3D support: fixed Final frame of Compiz animation not updated to the screen (Mac OS X only) (bug #4653)
- VRDP: allow to bind to localhost only on Mac OS X (bug #5227)
- Linux hosts: add host USB support for Ubuntu 10.04 and other hosts without the hal daemon or usbfs (bug #6343)
- webservice: more structs and array fixes in PHP bindings (bug #5657)
- Windows hosts: make the bridged networking driver notify dll be correctly unregistred on uninstall (bug #5780)
下载:VirtualBox 3.1.8 Final