VirtualBox最早是德国一家软件公司InnoTek所开发的虚拟系统软件,后来被Sun收购,改名为Sun VirtualBox,在Sun被Oracle收购后现改名为Oracle VirtualBox.因为他是开源的,不同于VM,而且功能强大,可以在 Linux/Mac 和 Windows 主机中运行, 并 支持在其中安装 Windows (NT 4.0、2000、XP、Server 2003、Vista)、DOS/Windows 3.x、Linux (2.4 和 2.6)、OpenBSD 等系列的客户操作系统.假如你曾经有用过虚拟机软件的经历的话,相信使用 VirtualBox 不在话下。即便你是一个新手,也没有关系。VirtualBox 提供了详细的文档,可以助你在短期内入门。
Changes in VirtualBox 3.2.2 (released 2010-06-02):
* VMM: fixed rare invalid guest state guru meditation (VT-x only)
* VMM: fixed poor performance with nested paging and unrestricted guest execution (VT-x only; bug #6716)
* VMM: fixed occasional guru meditation during Windows 7 bootup (bug #6728)
* GUI: keep the status for remote control in sync with the actual state
* GUI: don't exit after a successful refresh of an invalid VM configuration
* GUI: fixed keyboard capturing bug under metacity (bug #6727)
* GUI: fixed crash during VM termination if a modal dialog is open
* GUI: default controllers names of New VM Wizard are synchronized with VM settings
* GUI: fixed superfluous resize-event on powering-on VM for X11
* GUI: fixed regression - missed USB item's tool-tip of USB devices menu
* GUI: Activate VM window on mouse-hovering for multi-monitor VMs
* VBoxSDL/Linux hosts: automated keyboard type detection (bug #5764)
* SATA: fixed crash during VM suspend under rare circumstances
* SATA: fixed crash during VM reset after a snapshot was taken
* Storage: fixed sporadic hang of SMP guests using SATA or LSI Logic SCSI and asynchronous I/O
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