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微软进一步介绍Windows 8的引导界面

2011-09-21 11:30

  Windows 8开发团队的博客今天发表文章展示了新系统的引导功能,这也是Windows NT系统发布以来有关系统引导最大的一次用户体验的改进。
  微软解释称,启动Windows 8 PC更简单、更先进,快速、流畅、无缝和美丽,不像过去版本那样,Windows 8很容易令用户到达高级启动选项,并且包含一个美丽的外观,同时BCDEdit、msconfig都很容易配置启动的UI、默认的操作系统和定时器等设置。

Three screens shown left to right: the POST phase of boot, with white text on a black screen; the Windows logo shown during startup; the Windows 8 background image, with the words “Please wait…”

Advanced Boot Options menu in the Boot Manager, with options to Repair Your Computer, launch in Safe Mode, etc.

logo screen" height=315 alt="The Samsung logo shown as the PC is powered up" src="https://img1.runjiapp.com/duoteimg/zixunImg/local/2011/09/21/13165692774120.jpg" width=560 border=0>

Dual boot options screen in Windows 8: “Choose an operating system” Icon 1: Windows 8; icon 2: Windows 7; Link to “Change defaults or choose other options”

Screen with main heading: Change options; Option 1: Change the timer; option 2: Choose the default operating system; option 3: Choose other options Repair tools, boot to another device, and other options.

Screen that reads: “Choose the default operating system. The current default is Windows 8.” Option 1: “Windows 8” Option 2: “Windows 7”

Advanced options screen. Option 1: System Restore. Option 2: System Image Recovery. Option 3 Automatic repair. Option 4: Command prompt

The command prompt window, shown being used with on-screen keyboard.

Screen with main heading: Use a device; and one option: UEFI: SanDisk

A blue screen that reads: :( Your PC ran into a problem that it couldn’t handle, and now it needs to restart. You can search for the error online: SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED (pci.sys) - It’ll restart in: 1 second
